Student & Parent Services » Federal Impact Aid Survey

Federal Impact Aid Survey


Impact Aid is a grant funded by the Federal Government designed to assist local school districts that enroll federally connected students. Federally connected students are:

  • students of members of the uniformed services,
  • students who live on Indian lands (Santa Rosa Rancheria),
  • students who live on Federal property and
  • students whose parents work on Federal property (Santa Rosa Rancheria, Lemoore Naval Air Station, etc.).

By filling out the annual Impact Aid Survey and returning it to the school district, you are helping determine how many students qualify for the grant so the Federal Government can distribute the proper amount of money to our school.

Thank you!

Background of the Impact Aid Program:

The Impact Aid Program, signed into law by President Harry Truman in 1950, is the nation’s oldest K-12 Federal education program. Nationwide, approximately 1,200 school districts enrolling more than 11 million students benefit from Impact Aid funding, which is appropriated annually by Congress.

Impact Aid is a Federal education program that reimburses school districts for the lost revenue and additional costs associated with the presence of nontaxable Federal property. Most public school districts are funded largely through local property taxes, and because Federal land is exempt from taxation, school districts containing Federal property are at a financial disadvantage in funding their schools.

Impact Aid funding is direct, locally controlled and flexible. All Impact Aid funds appropriated annually by Congress are disbursed directly to school districts – bypassing state involvement. They can be used for any general fund purpose, such as instructional materials, salaries, transportation, technology or capital needs. All decisions on how Impact Aid funds are spent are made locally. This flexibility and local control allows school district leaders to target funds supporting all students wherever the needs are greatest.