School Safety » School Safety

School Safety

Development and Review of Comprehensive School Safety Plan
The school site council shall consult with local law enforcement, the local fire department, and other first responders in the writing and development of the comprehensive school safety plan. When practical, the school site council shall also consult with other school site councils and safety committees. (Education Code32281,32282)

The school site council may delegate the responsibility for developing a comprehensive safety plan to a school safety planning committee composed of the following members: (Education Code 32281)

  1. The principal or designee
  2. One teacher who is a representative of the recognized certificated employee organization
  3. One parent/guardian whose child attends the school
  4. One classified employee who is a representative of the recognized classified employee organization
  5. Other members, if desired

Before adopting the comprehensive safety plan, the school site council or school safety planning committee shall hold a public meeting at the school in order to allow members of the public the opportunity to express an opinion about the plan. (Education Code 32288)

The school site council or safety planning committee shall notify, in writing, the following persons and entities of the public meeting: (Education Code 32288)

  1. The local mayor
  2. A representative of the local school employee organization
  3. A representative of each parent organization at the school, including the parent teacher association and parent teacher clubs
  4. A representative of each teacher organization at the school
  5. A representative of the school's student body government
  6. All persons who have indicated that they want to be notified

Content of the Safety Plan

Each comprehensive safety plan shall include an assessment of the current status of any crime committed on campus and at school-related functions. (Education Code 32282)

The assessment may include, but not be limited to, reports of crime, suspension and expulsion rates, and surveys of students, parents/guardians, and staff regarding their perceptions of school safety.

The plan also shall identify appropriate strategies and programs that will provide or maintain a high level of school safety and address the school's procedures for complying with existing laws related to school safety, including all of the following: (Education Code 32282)

  1. Child abuse reporting procedures consistent with Penal Code 11164
  2. Routine and emergency disaster procedures including, but not limited to:
    1. Adaptations for students with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
    2. An earthquake emergency procedure system in accordance with Education Code 32282
    3. A procedure to allow public agencies, including the American Red Cross, to use school buildings, grounds, and equipment for mass care and welfare shelters during disasters or other emergencies affecting the public health and welfare
  3. Policies pursuant to Education Code 48915(d) for students who commit an act listed in Education Code 48915(c) and other school-designated serious acts which would lead to suspension, expulsion, or mandatory expulsion recommendations
  4. Procedures to notify teachers of dangerous students pursuant to Education Code 49079
  5. A policy consistent with the prohibition against discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying pursuant to Education Code 200-4
  6. If the school has adopted a dress code prohibiting students from wearing "gang-related apparel" pursuant to Education Code 35183, the provisions of that dress code and the definition of "gang-related apparel"
  7. Procedures for safe ingress and egress of students, parents/guardians, and employees to and from school
  8. A safe and orderly school environment conducive to learning
  9. The rules and procedures on school discipline adopted pursuant to Education Code 35291 and 5
  10. Procedures for conducting tactical responses to criminal incidents, including procedures related to individuals with guns on campus and at school-related functions

Access to Safety Plan(s)

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that an updated file of all safety-related plans and materials is readily available for inspection by the public. (Education Code 32282)

However, those portions of the comprehensive safety plan that include tactical responses to criminal incidents shall not be publicly disclosed.

 The Superintendent or designee shall share the comprehensive safety plans and any updates to the plans with local law enforcement, the local fire department, and other first responder entities. (Education Code 32281)